Not all parking lot reconstruction jobs are created equal. And while no two are just alike, some present more significant challenges and demands than others.
Take this project Kansas Asphalt completed in October 2018 for The Home Depot in Billings, Mont. In addition to a complete reconstruction of the store's failed parking lot, Kansas Asphalt was also hired to replace failed concrete sidewalks and curbs throughout the lot. So our asphalt paving, concrete paving, and repair and reconstruction expertise all came into play.
In addition, because this was a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan project, Kansas Asphalt was responsible for executing a plan to protect all storm water and drainage systems throughout the duration of the project. The work required an extra level of attention to detail above and beyond the usual maintenance job because Kansas Asphalt was working under a federal permit. Under the Federal Clean Water Act, the EPA’s primary objective is to restore and maintain the integrity of the nation’s waterways. One main goal of the law is to eliminate the discharge of pollutants into the nation’s waterways. Kansas Asphalt certifies all of our field construction managers as storm water inspectors.
In accordance with the plan, all of the drop inlets on the parking lot were protected using various best management practices, and each day the Kansas Asphalt storm water inspector was responsible for inspecting all drop inlets to confirm the protections were intact and that any silt or major debris was removed to prevent it from flowing into the underground water systems. Additionally, the overall site was inspected on a daily basis to ensure there was no tracking of construction materials, dirt or debris outside of designated construction areas, and that the adjacent parking areas were clean and swept to avoid pollutants entering the water systems in areas outside the construction site.
With every significant rain event of more than a quarter of an inch, the storm water inspector must inspect the full construction site and report all prevention measures are working properly. Throughout the eight-week duration of this project, there were daily inspection reports required to document compliance, and multiple significant rain events occurred that required additional practices to protect the waterways.
Kansas Asphalt was able to successfully execute the plan by following the federal regulations and guidelines, as well as being proactive in taking corrective actions when issues arose. There were several rain events that proved challenging, but because of the daily maintenance and corrective actions taken, they did not result in any major issues on the job or violations under the federal permit.
If you have questions about an asphalt parking lot reconstruction project, please contact us. We would love to hear about it and help answer your questions.